When trying to login to an account on a mobile device, some users receive the following error:

    Phone Number Not Found

    Phone number not found, please try again or sign up first.

This issue typically happens to Apple users, this is caused by the Cookies settings on the device. You will want to always allow cookies on your phone in order to allow the embedded website to work correctly.

On an Apple device, change the Cookies settings as follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" app
  2. Click on "Safari" on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Click on "Block Cookies" on the right-hand side of the screen 
  4. Change permission to "Always Allow" (by default it should be set to "Allow from Current Website Only")

Because this solution requires the end user to change the settings on their phone (which they may not know how to do without assistance), we recommend adding a direct link to the donation page along with text stating somthing similar to "If you are having issues using the giving page, please click here".